Commercial Water Booster Pumps
What is a water booster pump set?
Cold water booster pump sets are electromechanical devices that deliver water at a constant pressure and flow rate. They are primarily used in commercial premises or large residential dwellings. When a building has a high water demand, the standard mains supply will be inadequate. This means the plumbing system will not work to the design specifications, and a cold water booster set will be required.
How do water booster pumps work?
Water booster pumps work in unison with a water storage tank. Water enters through the pump into the volute (pump body), where impellers generate a constant water flow at a precise pressure. The pump is activated via a pressure switch, which turns the pump on when needed. Booster sets work with a pressure vessel, reducing the pump’s requirement to be run when only a tiny amount of water is used. You can adjust the flow rate and pressure to suit the needs of a building. Booster sets often also supply the hot water requirements for a building, meaning both hot and cold water pressure is perfectly balanced.
What types of water booster pumps are available?
Water booster sets come in a variety of designs and sizes. They usually consist of one or more commercial pumps connected to a control box, pressure vessel, and water tank. Some units include all these components packaged together. Buildings with high demand usually have a much larger booster pump set installed, consisting of several pumps, a large remote water tank, and a pressure vessel.
The most common types of booster set are:
- Single-phase
- Three-phase
- Single-stage
- Multi-stage
- Cat 5
What is a Cat 5 booster pump?
Since 1999, it has been illegal for commercial organisations to put a hosepipe directly onto a tap to wash down machinery or a vehicle. It is essential to incorporate a backflow prevention device to ensure no backflow and siphonage leading to contamination of the potable water supply by bacteria returning up the hose pipe into the mains water supply. Our Cat5 booster sets are suitable for Fluid Category 5 risks and incorporate a break tank complete with an AB-type air gap between the inlet and outlet to ensure that contaminated water does not flow back into the mains supply, to WRAS regulations 1999 and BSEN 13077:2008.
Fluid Category 5 risks are fluids that represent a serious health risk due to the concentration of pathogenic organisms or highly toxic or radioactive substances present within them. This can include animal or butchery waste, faecal matter or other human waste, or pathogens from various sources.
Applications for CAT 5 booster pumps:
- Bin wash down/Bin stores
- Garden irrigation
- Laboratories
- Hygienic Rooms
- Veterinary Surgeries
- Bib taps
- Multi-story window wash
Do cold water booster pumps need servicing?
Yes. A booster set’s critical job means they should be serviced at least annually. There are also significant health and safety considerations for your clients and employees. If a booster set fails, critical systems won’t function, meaning you could be closed for business. You may also require an annual service to comply with insurance obligations.
MHL is an expert in the service, repair, and replacement of commercial water booster pump sets, pressurisation units, and multi-stage pumps. We also service and repair break tanks, inverters, accumulators, and controls.
If you need a commercial water booster pump set service, repair, or replacement, get a quote HERE.